Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bring Success to Practice and Play with Dr. Rick Jensen

Despite the morning rain, Dr. Rick Jensen, one of the top sports performance consultants in the country, gave several terrific presentations at Plantation on Monday, February 27.

Due to the rain, the morning outdoor session was adjusted to an indoor one complete with videos, demonstrations and information on how to play better by practicing better. Based on extensive research of how people learn, Dr. Jensen shared ideas about the process of learning a motor skill - going through understanding cause/effect, supervised practice, transfer practice and play practice. 

Two member sessions and a golf professional coaching session involved activities like the whiffle ball toss, the multi-gun barrel, the marble jar, the gymnast or boxing analogy and more. 

Dr. Jensen's autographed books were available to students but if you would also like a copy, feel free to stop by the Deer Creek Golf Shop, where they are on sale to members. And while you're there, join a supervised practice session with Nicole Weller or Paul Kruger!

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's All About Learning...

I had an interesting ah-ha moment during a recent lesson. One of my students said she needed to remember the concept we were working on. It dawned on me that golf is about more than remembering to use a skill--it's learning the skill. 

To remember involves mental capacity. To have learned involves being able to act on an idea that has taken root.  When practicing, work to learn an idea instead of just remember it. That should help, for example, the golf swing become a more natural motion instead of just an idea that doesn't translate into the swing. 

There are several stages needed for learning to take place. 
  1. Understanding the concept (knowledge)
  2. Acquiring the skill to use the concept (practice)
  3. Appling the skill under pressure (transfer practice/play) 
Remember a golfer can't hit a golf ball with the brain... a golfer must play with feel. Practice to learn, not just to remember!