Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm at the PGA Teaching & Coaching Summit and the PGA Show!

I'm very excited to be going to the PGA Teaching & Coaching Summit this week, as well as the PGA Show and Events Wednesday-Saturday. I can't believe how busy the calendar has become - what a great week to network, learn and observe!

I'm very honored to have been selected to be on the National PGA Junior Golf Committee (was on a conference call with LPGA Tour Star Dottie Pepper the other day and several national PGA Junior Golf Leader award winners - cool!) and we'll have a meeting there, as well as the GA Junior Committee.  I'll look forward to meetings with a PGA Magazine editor, the US Kids Golf Awards, several book signing, a Tweet-Up with business Twitter followers, going to see Mike Bender's new learning center and watching some live lessons, watching Michael Breed emcee the Summit Monday/Tuesday, helping out at the SNAG booth and many other exciting venues.  For a sneak peek at the show, Google 2013 PGA Merchandise Show or watch some coverage on The Golf Channel!  

Some of our own Landings Golf Professionals will be traveling down as well for the Demo Day and PGA Show for meeting with vendors on new product, orders and to see what's new that would work well at The Landings Club. Can't wait to showcase what we bring back!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year Resolution: More Coaching

Happy New Year!  

What a great winter at The Landings Club to play golf... as I write this, the weather is in the 60's to high 70's and it's a great time to work on one's game!  

This year I'll be doing a lot more with coaching. If you think about most sports (little league, football, soccer, basketball, rowing), a coach is usually on-hand not only for training but also for coaching, practice and scrimmaging. The old methodology of golfers was to take a lesson and then go practice on their own, but industry standards are changing. Golfers know they need to put the time in to work-on, observe and practice ideas and goals from instruction. Teaching professionals can do quite a lot of neat things these days with technology, training tools and communication but the student is still the one responsible for swinging the club and getting a feel for an idea. 

I find a lot of students improving because they are now coming to practice sessions in which they go through putting, short game or long game drills that are engaging, effective and like on-course play situations. Even if a student is working with another golf professional, these sessions are open to any student who would like to practice. No swing mechanics are introduced or changed but just supervised with training tools, supervision and good practice habits are all part of the one-hour session.

I hope to see you at some Practice with a Purpose sessions (more information on this link and with other professionals on the island such as Paul Kruger ( ). 

 Learn, TRAIN and play!