Monday, June 4, 2012

Learn to Discover Golf

I've been working on a new idea and it made so much sense today during a lesson today that I'm ready to share it with you! 

Students often come to lessons and expect pros and teaching gurus to fix their issues. Golf swings and motions are definitely not a static (stationary) thing -- golf is dynamic. Many touring professionals know they will eventually lose it, so to speak, but know what the symptoms are and how to combat them. 

Our bodies are not fixed machines. We're wonderful human beings with variation, so my thought is to encourage golfers to learn new ideas and then go out and discover golf. 

Discover skill variations and ideas.

Take a suggestion and exaggerate it to learn what it does. 

Explore what happens if, for instance, you were to try having both hands positioned to the front-side shoulder and then both hands positioned to the rear-side shoulder and see what happened to 20 golf shots. 

The best players in the world did that and still do. We're here as teaching professionals to help guide you but you should still go out and explore the ideas and, most importantly, make them your own!

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